Meet your workplace’s psychosocial requirements

Confidently meet your workplace’s psychosocial safety requirements without resource tradeoffs and disruption to other business priorities.

Know what to do and how to do it

Know what is required and how you can do this, simply. Skodel takes the complexity and uncertainty out of psychosocial compliance for you.

The simplest way to meet compliance

Skodel gives you a seamless and automated psychosocial risk management process aligned with relevant legislation so you can meet compliance with ease.


“In 2024 every CEO and Executive needs to understand their duties and get psychosocial risks on their radar. Beyond compliance, creating safe workplaces drives performance and enables good culture. Skodel’s easy to use features and robust controls ensure companies meet their compliance obligations without exposing leaders and their teams to greater risk from missed or mismanaged psychosocial hazards.”

Martyn Campbell, Former CEO SafeWork SA and board member Safework Australia


It’s all designed and ready for you

Training, resources, risk assessments and survey design with hazard scoring all in one place for you. We remove the pain and complexity of designing a system to meet psychosocial safety compliance that works with the resources you have available.


Maintain a compliant risk assessment with ease

Filling out your psychosocial risk assessment with controls and scoring hazards based on worker consultation data isn’t easy. We give you a ready made template and then score and update it for you with the simplest worker consultation process possible.


Easily integrated into your risk system

We’ve designed a system for psychosocial safety that is comprehensive and end-to-end yet exceptionally simple. It manages all the time consuming and complex aspects of psychosocial risk and can easily be integrated into your overall risk management system.


Always up to date training

Access the latest training modules for leaders and employees, updated annually by top psychologists and safety specialists. Ensure your team stays informed and compliant with ease. Simplify training, enhance safety.

Frequently asked questions


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