Skodel Report

Configurable dashboards, advanced filters, alerts, trend reports and wellbeing impact reports for leaders to report on mental wellbeing to key stakeholders

The problem

Leaders can’t easily report on mental health trends and the impact of their initiatives on mental health and wellbeing.


Configurable reporting dashboards

Determine key mental health metrics relevant to each stakeholder and create dashboard views with advanced filtering for these stakeholders. Produce reports on mental health across different levels of your organisation. Configurable dashboards enable you to build out multiple views and export these views as CSVs or PDFs so they can be shared with the right people. Report on mental health across individuals, groups and the whole organisation to identify successful approaches and areas in need of enhancement.


Multi level reporting functionality

Deliver the right reports to the right people. User grouping functionality and role based visibility and permissions allows different stakeholders to view different sets of data based on what is important to them. Setup alerts to flag important information and make sure this information is effectively communicated to the right people in your organisation. With Skodel, each leader in your organisation receives the information they need to perform at their best.


Exporting and integration capabilities

View the data in the systems you are used to. Skodel maintains an open API so you can pull and visualise data inside the platform you use as a central reporting dashboard. Exporting capabilities allow you to run reports and export data to the systems you use to analyse and visualise data. With Skodel, you don't have to learn a new system, we work with the way you and your organisation work best.


Report on the impact of your initiatives

Document the actions your organisation is taking and track their impact alongside key metrics such as burnout. Share this with the wider community and key stakeholders to drive higher engagement in your initiatives. Reporting on the impact of your initiatives helps leaders demonstrate the value of these programs, informs strategic changes and delivers a clear message to everyone that the organisation prioritises mental health.


Effective and transparent reporting

Producing a clear report on mental health can shift internal and external perceptions of an organisation. It's an opportunity to make necessary adjustments, share success stories, highlight visible efforts and create a culture of openness and transparency. An opportunity to show commitment to those who value mental health and those who assess organisations based on this criteria. Skodel gives leaders necessary tools to collect important mental health data and convert it into easily understandable reports for relevant stakeholders.

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