Skodel Discover

Collect mental wellbeing data inside your organisation with surveys, incident reporting and check-in software built for mental wellbeing. Email, web, mobile and advanced integrations.

The problem

People don't have an always available confidential outlet to report mental health and wellbeing concerns inside an organisation


A private space to share mental health and wellbeing matters

From simple one question pulse check-ins to in-depth yearly assessments, Skodel helps you create mental health check-ins and surveys for people to privately share their mental health. Our form builder includes configurable templates and a framework designed by psychologists that increases the likelihood of people expressing meaningful mental health data. Proactively send these check-ins out and or leave them always on for people to privately check in and share concerns at anytime.


Secure multi-channel delivery methods

Our surveys and check-ins can be securely delivered across web, mobile, email and via advanced integrations. We work with the communication channel that works best for you to drive higher response rates, increase awareness of support and streamline adoption. Advanced scheduling functionality enables you to deliver check-ins on a one off or recurring basis to individuals, groups or the whole organisation anonymously or identifiably.


An appropriate response for every concern

Skodel enables you to integrate resolution processes inside your data collection process. This could include linking people to next steps, lines of support or suggesting relevant policies and procedures based on the information they have shared in their check-in or concern. Tying in a resolution process when collecting data means support is always there. This helps organisations address mental health concerns and prevent situations from escalating, even when human intervention isn't possible.


Anonymous concern lodging capability

Turn on concern lodging so everyone in your organisation can anonymously report concerns when they need to. Define the categories you want to track for concerns and customise the post lodgement messaging to link people to relevant policies and procedures. Setup alerts for these concerns to be sent to the right people. Our aim is to encourage concerns people have to be reported and resolved internally as it provides valuable insight for leaders that may otherwise get missed if unreported and promotes a positive culture by demonstrating commitment to addressing issues.


An open and transparent culture

When issues relating to mental health arise in an organisation, it's often not lack of commitment that prevents leaders from supporting but rather lack of visibility. Most leaders don't want to create an environment that causes or exacerbates situations such as bullying or burnout. The challenge is knowing when these situations are taking place and how best to resolve these situations. Skodel gives leaders better visibility on these matters and integrates effective resolution processes to resolve them promptly.

Frequently asked questions


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