Meet your school’s psychosocial requirements

Confidently meet your school’s psychosocial safety requirements over time without disrupting busy teachers and leaders.

Know what to do and how to do it

Know what is required and how you can do this, simply. Skodel takes the complexity and uncertainty out of psychosocial compliance for schools.


Using Skodel to meet growing reporting requirements

“Where we want to be as a school is having comprehensive data that we can point to in terms of wellbeing safety. We worked with the Skodel team to integrate their process inside Microsoft Teams. It has been an easy and engaging process for all, and for me as a leader, I now have reports highlighting clear trends that inform our decision making and support inspections relating to safeguarding practices.”

Luke Ramsden FRSA Senior Deputy St Benedict’s School, chair of Safeguarding Panel

We know schools

We’ve been working with schools since launch day. Refining and iterating our service around the needs and realities of teachers, non-teaching staff and school leaders.


Save resources

Light touch for staff and leaders so you can meet safety requirements with minimal resources.


Proven approach

An approach designed alongside regulators specialising in psychosocial safety so you can be sure you’re adopting a validated approach. No more uncertainty.


Reduce risk

Skodel gives leaders a simple compliance process to make taking action easy so you can avoid the risks associated with inaction. No more delayed action.


Zero disruption

Our approach is fast, simple and clear with zero disruption. Everything is designed and ready to go for you.


It’s all designed and ready for you

Training, resources, risk assessments and survey design with hazard scoring all in one place for you. We remove the pain and complexity of designing a system to meet psychosocial safety compliance that works with the resources you have available.


Maintain a compliant risk assessment with ease

Filling out your psychosocial risk assessment with controls and scoring hazards based on worker consultation data isn’t easy. We give you a ready made template and then score and update it for you with the simplest worker consultation process possible.


Easily integrated into your risk system

We’ve designed a system for psychosocial safety that is comprehensive and end-to-end yet exceptionally simple. It manages all the time consuming and complex aspects of psychosocial risk and can easily be integrated into your overall risk management system.


Always up to date training

Access the latest training modules for teachers, leaders and non-teaching staff, updated annually by educational psychologists and safety specialists. Ensure your team stays informed and compliant with ease. Simplify training, enhance safety.

Skodel resources


Our mental health partner

Andrew has been described as someone who “puts the heart back into psychology”. He is a clinical psychologist and Fellow at the University of Melbourne. In education, Andrew is highly regarded as one of the leading mental health professionals across the globe. He has supported Skodel in designing an effective and supportive approach to consulting busy teachers and staff members in schools about psychosocial safety matters. Andrew knows schools and the realities teachers and leaders face each day. The Skodel experience is designed with this in mind.

Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist


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