What does Safe Work ask for when they inspect your psychosocial risk processes? Roger Hunter, Manager of P&C at Adelaide Hills Council (AHC), experienced a Safe Work inspection first hand. I interviewed Roger and asked him questions such as:
- What did Safe Work ask you for?
- Did anything surprise you about the investigation?
- What advice would you offer to others in preparing for an investigation?
Based on this interview, we've put together an an inspection check-list. Fill in this form if you'd like a copy.
QUESTION: How did you find out about the investigation and what did Safe Work ask you for?
Key insights from Roger's answer
- Found out via the media
- Safe Work made formal contact 10 days later
- Safe Work asked for policies, procedures, risk register and incident reporting processes
QUESTION 2: Has anything surprised you about the investigation process?
Key insights from Roger's answer
- The ability to work with and learn from the regulator to improve your processes
- The focus on internal confidential reporting systems for psychosocial risks
- The difference between physical risk reporting and psychosocial risk reporting
QUESTION 3: Some leaders share a concern that consulting workers creates risks. What's your view on that?
Key insights from Roger's answer
- If there are genuine risks you want to know about them
- The alternative is to not know and this is a bigger risk
- The key is to ask the right questions that surface genuine risks
QUESTION 4: If another leader asked you for advice on preparing for an investigation, what would you say?
Key insights from Roger's answer
- Treat it as an opportunity to learn, not to fear
- Share your information with the regulator and work with them to improve
- The regulator isn't necessarily there to point out you've done it wrong, they're there to help you get it right
I want to thank Roger for taking the time to share these insights. If you would like to view the full interview (18 minutes) then click here.
Thank you for reading, we hope you found it insightful.